Monday, June 12, 2006

From the SMH 13/06/06
If only world politics could be as well organised as the world game - Opinion
Gimme a K. Gimme an O. Gimme an F. Gimme an I. Gooooooooooo KOFI! Mr Annan ponders the world game and compares it to the UN. It is a pity that the world cup can bring more nations together than than the United Nations. Albeit imperfect, it's getting there...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Meet the new Miss Australia - People - Entertainment - Aint the new Miss Australia pretty, she'll go head to head in the hopes of following in the footsteps of Jennifer Hawkins... I wonder when they will have a Mr Australia...


Bumped into two of the funniest pair of twins the other day at uni. Mmmm.

Runreallyfast is born

10 06 06. Runreallyfast starts running.